40+ Birthday Freebies: Free Meals and Special Deals for NJ Birthday Kids
Submitted by Dore Duhaime on

We've all been caught up in birthday party hoopla, whether baking cakes and making party-themed treats or spending big bucks to rent a party place. But for those years when a low-key celebration is in order, birthday freebies are a great perk. From BOGO ice cream and pancakes to free bowling and arcade game tokens, coupons and discounts are yours for the taking when you register for kids' clubs or customer loyalty programs at New Jersey restaurants and stores.
Read on for our A-to-Z list of birthday discounts, treats, and deals. If you're planning a party, don't miss our NJ Kids' Birthday Party Guide for ideas on party spots, specialty cakes, and at-home party fun. And don't forget that many New Jersey restaurants offer free kids' meals on weekdays, birthday or not!