
Fri Sep 18, 2020 - Sat Sep 19, 2020
- see all dates
Repeating every week — Sundays, and Saturdays through September 19, 2020.
6:00pm to 10:00pm PT
Age: Varies by Film
Price: $115 for two; $60 single add-on; $160 VIP for two

The Cinemauto drive-in celebrates diverse, original voices, and a new generation of filmmakers.

Guests can enjoy community, art & culture, food, and entertainment

The films showing September 18 and 19 are:  Selena, Cuco, Baby, Miguel, and Muy Gay Too Mexicano.

Movie audio is played through vehicle FM radio.

All tickets include entry, dinner, a can of Waterloo Sparkling Water, and a movie

With the purchase of a ticket, guests can select from one of the curated “takeout” meal boxes, with vegan options, prepared by local restaurant partners that are tailored for safe and easy consumption in guests' vehicles and delivered via carhop service.

All guests in each vehicle must bring a face covering to enter the premises. No exceptions. Guests must remain in their vehicles for the duration of the movie. No sitting outside of the vehicle is allowed. Congregating of any type is prohibited. Face coverings must be worn when exiting vehicles to visit the restrooms.

For more Drive-in Movie events, check our full list of 2020 Drive-in Movies around Southern California.

** Activity dates/times are subject to change. Please click through to the activity website to verify.