OCMA First Anniversary Celebration Week

Sun Oct 8, 2023 - Sun Oct 15, 2023
- see all dates
Repeating every weeks through October 15, 2023.
Various times
Age: All
Price: Free
Orange County Museum of Art (OCMA)

Happy Birthday OCMA! The Orange County Museum of Art celebrates its first year in its new building on the Segerstrom Center for the Arts campus. The weeklong series of events and activities includes live performances, artmaking activities, artist films, and more! Admission is free and everyone is welcome

Highlights include Furry Friends Day on Oct 13, the full day Anniversary Party on October 14, and the Community Gathering on October 15.


Sunday, October 8: Visitor Appreciation Day (1pm - 4pm)
The celebration starts with a postcard giveaway. Visitors can then explore the exhibitions Tony Lewis: CASUAL TAlice Neel: Feels Like HomeYu Ji: A Guest, A Ghost, A Host, and the latest exhibition Jennifer Guidi: And so it is. 

Tuesday, October 10: Tour & Ticketed Dinner (3pm / 6pm)
Guests join CEO and Director Heidi Zuckerman for a free public tour of the new exhibition Jennifer Guidi: And so it is. followed by a special ticketed dinner. Tickets for the dinner are required and limited space is available. 

Wednesday, October 11: Artist Films Screening & Gallery Music
Artist Films Screening  11am -1pm
Naples Strings Trio 3pm - 6pm 

Thursday, October 12: Artist in Residence
Highlights include a DJ set from the Artist in Residence Dave Muller, then continues with a self-guided drawing activity. At 6pm, OCMA CEO and Director Heidi Zuckerman is in conversation with OCMA collection artist Dave Muller, as they discuss the intersections of visual art and music. 

Friday, October 13: Furry Friends Friday (3pm - 6pm)
A day dedicated to people and pets! Guests can bring furry friends and enjoy pet portraits, dog treats, and a special opportunity to meet and adopt rescued dogs from The Pet Adoption Center of Orange County.

Saturday, October 14: Anniversary Party (11am - 9pm)
The full day of events includes a meditative sound bath, a special pancake brunch, live acoustic guitar music, an immersive dance performance, and other art-filled adventures. The evening closes out with a happy hour and then Big Night Out dance party with KCRW DJs 

Sunday, October 15: Community Gathering (11am - 5pm)
The community is welcome for 60-minute yoga session on the outdoor terrace, and the inaugural ¡ArteViva!, a new Spanish-friendly program celebrating contemporary art and culture, with all ages art activities, an exhibition tour, and live music with salsa lessons.


** Activity dates/times are subject to change. Please click through to the activity website to verify.