Best School Holiday and Spring Break Camps in DC, Maryland, and Northern Virginia

Sports like basketball are just some of the fun activities kids can enjoy during spring break camps.
- By Christine Mooney
The Hill Center
CREATE Arts Center
Children's Science Center
Traveling during every spring break and school holiday just isn't possible... nor is taking time off work. That's why many parents look to camps to keep their kids busy during days off from school.
From sports camps to music camps to dance camps, there's a school holiday or spring break camp for kids of any interest. Here are some top picks for school holiday and spring break camps in DC, Maryland, and Northern Virginia.
And while you're thinking of camps, don't forget to start planning for summer! Summer camps fill up quickly, and our DC Summer Camp Guide can help you you prepare. It lists everything from STEM summer camps to sports summer camps throughout the DC area.
Places featured in this article:
The Hill Center
CREATE Arts Center
Children's Science Center