FROZEN 2 x FIDM - Fashion Display

Tue Feb 25, 2020 - Sun Mar 1, 2020
- see all dates
Repeating every days through March 1, 2020.
Various times
Age: 4-10
Price: Free
Disney Store at Westfield Century City

FIDM takes over the Disney Store window at Westfield Century City, dressing it with five bespoke ‘Frozen 2’-inspired streetwear looks and design elements.

Recent FIDM graduates Paul Hernandez & Tomy Huang create two female & two male garments respectively, incorporating the elemental spirits of nature - air, fire, water and earth - while Nick Verreos and his design partner & fellow FIDM Co-Chair David Paul, create an Elsa-inspired gown.

The ‘Frozen 2’-inspired window is on display from Tuesday, February 25 through Sunday, March 1


** Activity dates/times are subject to change. Please click through to the activity website to verify.