September GoList: Top Things to Do with Kids in Boston

September is so bittersweet: Carefree summer is in the rearview mirror, but there's the promise of fun fall activities ahead. Luckily in Boston, we enjoy temperate weather all month long that's perfect for spending outdoors at a festival, getting out on the water, watching giant kinetic sculptures in action, and singing farewell to summer. 

Mark your calendar with these kid-friendly picks as well as our favorite free September activities, because you won't want to miss any of this month's spectacular lineup of events for Boston families.  

Entering NYC Kindergarten: 5 Things to Know

The first day of kindergarten is exciting, nerve-wracking, hectic, tear-jerking and adorably photogenic all over the country. But New York City kids (and parents) face a unique set of challenges when headed to school for the very first time.

I have three children, ages 16, 12 and 8. That means I’ve been through NYC kindergarten three times. (I’ve also been through the admissions process three times, and wrote an entire book, Getting Into NYC Kindergarten, of tips and tricks.)

Over the years, I’ve learned five things that all families must know in order to have a successful transition from pre-K (public or private) into elementary school (public, private, charter, gifted, magnet, religious; like I said, it’s NYC, things are different here).

Check out the list below and learn from my mistakes, rather than your own.

40 Festivals, Fairs, and Carnivals for Philly Families this September

Photo courtesy of Peddler's Village

Summer 2019 comes barreling to a halt this month, which can leave Philly families conflicted. How has summer flown by so quickly? We weren't finished with our Summer Bucket Lists! But, despite the fact school and fall activities may be upon us, Philly parents and kids alike can try to keep summer fun alive in the first half of September (technically it's summer until September 21), while welcoming fall towards the end of the month with some amazing festivals, fairs, and carnivals. After all, who doesn't love pumpkin-flavored everything?

There are festivals to surely satisfy your appetite and make your mouth water. There are festivals that celebrate the culture and traditions, whisking you to Brazil, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and Poland all while staying in the Delaware Valley. Other events feature classic carnival amusements and still others prepare for the change in season with scarecrows, pumpkins, and fall fun.

Keep reading for family-friendly events that will help your crew celebrate September.

7 Best Zoos near Los Angeles: the LA Zoo Is Just the Beginning

Photo by Jamie Pham/Los Angeles Zoo

Did someone say zoo? If your little ones have fallen for the non-stop furry cuteness of LA's petting zoos (and there are plenty in and around LA), there's a chance they're going to start thinking bigger. There are lions and tigers and bears (oh my!) to see at many zoos, and while petting is not recommended for most of the occupants (seriously, keep your kid out of the bear enclosure), young ones love seeing creatures live and in-person that they usually only read about in books. Here are some of the many zoos within easy driving distance. While the Los Angeles Zoo is naturally on the list, it's hardly the only game in town.

6 Ways to Ease the Preschool Transition for Kids — and Parents

The start of a new school year gets everyone's nerves jumping—including when it's time to make the transition to preschool.

Every child is, of course, different. Some love to dive into new adventures without so much as a look back. Others are more cautious, preferring to watch and get the lay of the land. But children and parents are bound to be apprehensive about a child's first day (or week, or month) in a new environment, surrounded by new people and new routines.

We asked veteran preschool teachers in the NYC metropolitan area for their no-fail tips to help make this transition a positive experience for all and came away with six top suggestions.

If you're still searching for the right preschool, check out our directory of NYC schools, as well as those in the surrounding suburbs, such as New JerseyWestchester, and Long Island.

Weekend Fun: Hot Air Balloons, Cardboard Boats, and a Kids' Triathlon

Check out the cardboard boat racers at SoundWaters HarborFest. Photo by Michael Bagley

Fall is approaching, and amid the frenzied school supply mall runs, families can check out numerous fairs celebrating the annual harvest season. Just this weekend there are agricultural fairs in Brooklyn, Terryville, and Chester, If ox pulls, carnival midways, and fried fair food aren't your thing, check out the Plainville Hot Air Balloon Festival, or escape an authentic native wigwam. For those who prefer indoor activities, head to Hartford to wish the Bushnell Carousel a happy 105th birthday.

For the latest and best family-friendly goings on around the state, keep checking our frequently updated events calendar and follow us on FacebookTwitterPinterest, and Instagram. Have a great weekend!

Essex County's New Accessible Playground Lets All Kids Play Together

The new accessible playground at Watsessing Park is a dream-come-true for children of all abilities.

All children can benefit from outdoor play in a park or playground, and lucky for us, there's a new accessible playground in Bloomfield, NJ, designed with the needs of kids with physical and developmental disabilities in mind. 

Watsessing Park's all-access playground opened at the end of July after a seven-month, $4 million renovation. This new addition to the 69-acre Essex County park, located at the intersection of Bloomfield Avenue and Conger Street, boasts inclusive features such as wheelchair-friendly surfacing and ramps, a seated merry-go-round, special swings, and much, much more—all in delicious, candy-colored hues.

Already fans of Watsessing Park's splash playground, my 6-year-old and I spent a perfect summer afternoon at this updated play space where all kids can play together and have fun. Read on for the scoop.

Ennis Playground Gives Gowanus a Freshly Updated Playspace

The new climbing structures at Ennis Playground in Gowanus, Brooklyn are a fun challenge for a wide range of ages.

We're suckers for a destination-worthy playground, but we also have big love for NYC's smaller neighborhood playgrounds. In a city like ours, a playground doesn't necessarily need an elaborate theme or deluxe play features to be a huge boon to the neighborhood. The newly renovated Ennis Playground in the heart of fast-changing Gowanus is one such gem. Ennis Playground reopened last month after an 11-month, $2.9 million renovation—here's a look at what's new.
