Teens Can Apply Now for Summer Internships in NYC
Submitted by Alina Adams on

Summer internships can make your average, high-achieving, New York City kid really stand out from the rest of the equally high-achieving pack when it's time to apply to colleges. In an era when applications have become increasingly competitive—leaving schools to look for more than good grades, great test scores, an outstanding essay, and a list of after-school activities—these summer internships in NYC offer kids hands-on, real-world experience, and some even include leadership opportunities.
NYC summer internships come in various formats, paid and unpaid, regular and intermittent, educational and creative, with some also offering school or volunteer credit. The primary thing summer internships in NYC for teens tend to have in common is the application due dates are usually long before most teens have started thinking about their summer—or college—plans.
To make sure your teens don’t miss out on any opportunities, we've rounded up 17 great summer internships in NYC for teens. Most are accepting applications now. Find more teen-friendly happenings in our Tween and Teen Guide to NYC.