Virtual NJ Makers Day: Inventor’s Workshop

Fri Mar 19, 2021 - Sat Mar 20, 2021
- see all dates
Repeating every days through March 20, 2021.
Various times
Age: 7-15
Price: free
Museum of Early Trades and Crafts

Be an inventor for a virtual NJ Makers Day. Join METC in exploring and celebrating what it means to engage in innovation and invention, then try your hand at designing your own invention.

This program has 4 components:

  1. Pick up your supply kit at METC (additional details provided during registration)

  2. Attend an interactive, live virtual session exploring the art of invention

  3. Design and make a prototype of your invention (at home)

  4. Present your creation at a 2nd live virtual session or submit photos/videos to the museum

Part 1 takes place virtually Friday, March 19 at 4pm or Saturday March 20 at 10am.

Part 2 takes place virtually Saturday March 20th at 2pm.

This program is free thaks to the generous support of NJ STEM Pathways. 


** Activity dates/times are subject to change. Please click through to the activity website to verify.