Earth Hour

Sat Mar 23, 2024
8:30pm PT
Age: All ages
Price: Free
Your house

Earth Hour is a worldwide effort in which people around the world simply switch off their lights for one hour in March.

The tradition began in Sydney in 2007, when 2.2 million homes and businesses switched off their lights for an hour, and in 2008 the message grew into a global sustainability movement, with 50 million people switching off their lights. Since then, Global landmarks such as the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, Rome's Colosseum, the Sydney Opera House, and the Coca Cola billboard in Times Square have stood in darkness

The Ferris Wheel at Santa Monica Pier's Pacific Park participates, going "lights out" for the hour.

Earth Hour is a great opportunity for families to reflect on what they can do for the environment, and to spend time together doing things like admiring the stars or telling stories.

** Activity dates/times are subject to change. Please click through to the activity website to verify.