Goat Yoga at The Arboretum

Sun Mar 6, 2022 - Sun Jun 5, 2022
- see all dates
Repeating every month on March, April, May, June on the first Sundays through June 5, 2022.
9:00am PT
Age: Must weigh at least 75 pounds
Price: $45
Los Angeles Arboretum

This yoga session is taught with goats—no kidding!

Suitable for everyone from first-timers who "just came for the goats" to experienced yogis looking to challenge their practice.

Please note, during the sessions, the goats are known to climb all over participants, nibble on anything and everything, and leave their pellet-like "blessings" everywhere.

Goat yoga session time = 1 hour consisting of 15 minutes petting and pictures before and after class, 30 minute goat yoga class.

There are two sessions, at 9am and 10:30am.

Participants should bring a yoga mat and / or full sized towel. For participants who prefer not to have their yoga mats “autographed” by goats, used-sanitized yoga mats can be rented for $5 each, however, participants may just want to bring full size towels which work fine too.

Sessions must be booked in advance and always sell out, so plan ahead.

See website for safety regulations.

** Activity dates/times are subject to change. Please click through to the activity website to verify.