Maple Sugaring for Families at the Ansonia Nature Center
Ansonia Nature & Recreation Center - 11:00 AM Pick
Ansonia Nature & Recreation Center - 11:00 AM Pick
Maple Sugaring in Your Own Backyard at Roaring Brook Nature Center
Roaring Brook Nature Center` - 2:00 PM Pick
Roaring Brook Nature Center` - 2:00 PM Pick
Welcome to the Toyshop! at Fairfield Museum of History
Fairfield Museum - 10:00 AM
Fairfield Museum - 10:00 AM
Piglet's Playgroup at The Giggling Pig
The Giggling Pig Milford - 10:30 AM
The Giggling Pig Milford - 10:30 AM
Llama Walk with Debbie Labbe from Country Quilt Farm in Litchfield
Country Quilt LLama Farm - 2:00 PM
Country Quilt LLama Farm - 2:00 PM
Bruce Beginnings: Spring Birds Return Shapes at the Bruce Museum in Greenwich
The Bruce Museum - 10:00 AM Pick
The Bruce Museum - 10:00 AM Pick
Bruce Beginnings: Spring Birds Return at the Bruce Museum (II) in Greenwich
The Bruce Museum - 11:00 AM
The Bruce Museum - 11:00 AM
Toddler Storytime at Danbury Library
Danbury Public Library - 11:00 AM
Danbury Public Library - 11:00 AM
Bald Eagle Viewing at Shepaug Dam
Shepaug Dam - 9:00 AM
Shepaug Dam - 9:00 AM
Colonial Crafts: Try Colonial Era Crafts at the Greenwich Historical Society
Greenwich Historical Society - 12:00 PM
Greenwich Historical Society - 12:00 PM
Llama Walk with Debbie Labbe from Country Quilt Farm in Litchfield
Country Quilt LLama Farm - 2:00 PM
Country Quilt LLama Farm - 2:00 PM
Bruce Beginnings: Spring Birds Return at the Bruce Museum (III) in Greenwich
The Bruce Museum - 3:00 PM
The Bruce Museum - 3:00 PM
Bugs, Bugs, Bugs a Storytime at Danbury Library
Danbury Public Library - 4:00 PM
Danbury Public Library - 4:00 PM
Studio Beginnings Art at Grace Farms
Grace Farms - 10:00 AM
Grace Farms - 10:00 AM
Open Art Studio for Kids at Grace Farms
Grace Farms - 1:00 PM
Grace Farms - 1:00 PM
Llama Walk with Debbie Labbe from Country Quilt Farm in Litchfield
Country Quilt LLama Farm - 2:00 PM
Country Quilt LLama Farm - 2:00 PM
Paint a Lucky March Truck at Danbury Library
Danbury Public Library - 5:00 PM
Danbury Public Library - 5:00 PM
Llama Walk with Debbie Labbe from Country Quilt Farm in Litchfield
Country Quilt LLama Farm - 2:00 PM
Country Quilt LLama Farm - 2:00 PM
Bird Feeder-Watch Friday at the Audubon
Greenwich Audubon Center - 3:00 PM
Greenwich Audubon Center - 3:00 PM
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Annual Pirates Day Treasure Hunt
Sun Jun 7, 2020
9:30am to 3:00pm ET
Age: all ages
Price: Most activities are free
For over 300 years, people of all ages have searched for Captain Kidd's treasure. Kidd and his crew will sail into Milford Harbor and "take over" downtown Milford. Come dressed as a pirate and hunt for treasure.
Begin the day at 9 with a character breakfast. Kidd will arrive by boat at noon. Various entertainment, activities, and vendors throughout the day.
No streets are closed off. There is curbside parking throughout downtown. Parking is plentiful behind the courthouse/Parsons Government Center. Behind the Library is often a good bet and many of the church lots will be empty by noon.
** Activity dates/times are subject to change. Please click through to the activity website to verify.