Wildman Steve Brill Hunt for Daylily Shoots and more

Sun Mar 1, 2020
11:45am ET
Age: 7 and up
Price: Suggested donation: Adults $20; Children (under 12) $10
Prospect Park

Wildman Steve Brill celebrates 38 years of foraging with a romp through Prospect Park, keeping an eye out for wild coffee growing along the sidewalk on the park's east side.

You can collect the seeds of the little-known Kentucky coffee-tree, the world's best caffeine-free coffee substitute, and use them to make a beverage, or as a seasoning that's tasty in chocolate recipes.

Veggie fans might also find mustard greens and sprouts, which taste like garlic, and their roots, which taste like horseradish; chickweed, which tastes like corn; bitter dock, as delicious cooked as it's awful raw; and ground ivy, a mint-flavored herb tea. Plus, sweet-sharp daylily shoots, and the plant's potato-like tubers are already producing bumper crops in the cold weather.

Call to reserve a spot at least 24 hours in advance. The 4-hour foraging tour of Prospect Park meets at the stone benches by the stone wall at Prospect Park's Grand Army Plaza entrance, across from the library (not under the traffic circle).

** Activity dates/times are subject to change. Please click through to the activity website to verify.