Old Home Day at Historic Richmond Town

Sat Oct 19, 2024
10:00am to 4:00pm ET
Age: All
Price: FREE
Historic Richmond Town

Head to Historic Richmond Town for the annual Old Home Day. Visitors can witness historic trade demonstrations like blacksmithing, tinsmithing, carpentry, cabinet-making, and more. Enjoy music, food, crafts, and sweet treats. 

The village is alive with the smell of fresh bread baking in the kitchen of the historic Guyon-Lake-Tysen farmhouse. Enjoy hearty soup served in the rear yard of the Tavern. Visit with the tinsmith, carpenter, blacksmith, and basket-maker to discover how household items were made in the 18th and 19th centuries. Weavers, quilters, and tailors complete the image of a county seat from centuries past.


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