Various Locations - various times Pick
Wright College - 10:30 AM
Parkway Bank Park - 11:00 AM
Various Locations - various times Pick
Various Locations - various times Pick
Little Red Schoolhouse Nature Center - 10:00 AM
Gangnam Market - 11:00 AM
Millennium Park McCormick Tribune Ice Rink - various times
Morton Arboretum - various times
Various locations - various times
The Escape Room Chicago - various times
Millennium Park McCormick Tribune Ice Rink - various times
Brookfield Zoo - various times
Morton Arboretum - various times
Various locations - various times
The Escape Room Chicago - various times
Field Museum - 10:30 AM
Wright College - 10:30 AM
Millennium Park McCormick Tribune Ice Rink - various times
Morton Arboretum - various times
Various locations - various times
Wright College - 10:30 AM
Millennium Park McCormick Tribune Ice Rink - various times
Brookfield Zoo - various times
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Poetry Making Playground
- see all dates
The Poetry Making Playground is an immersive creative installation where original poems, written by some of Chicago’s most renowned poets, have been reimagined and physicalized for audiences to interact with in an entirely new way. The poetry playground fuses poetics, tangible objects, illustration, fabrications/design, multimedia, and life-size interactive and reflective installations for everyone!
It will include up to 7 interactive works inviting one to Tap -Tap into our radical imagination and engage our ancestral geometries, sacred syllable inheritance, metaphorical joys, genetic word wisdoms, and righteous rhymes.
Interactive hands-on poetry-making art exhibit for students 4th - 12th grade.
Students will:
Interact with and play with poetry making art installations
Write poetry in workshops with renowned Chicago Poets
Visit merch shop for some unique take - home fun
Student Field Trips: Mon - Fri 10am - 4pm.
Open to Public: Thursday - Friday 5pm - 8pm Saturday - Sunday 12pm - 8pm