Chicago Shakespeare Theatre on Navy Pier - 11:00 AM Pick
Klein Creek Farm - 10:00 AM
McCormick Place - various times
Morton Arboretum - various times
The Escape Room Chicago - various times
Brookfield Zoo - various times
McCormick Place - various times
Morton Arboretum - various times
The Escape Room Chicago - various times
McCormick Place - various times
Morton Arboretum - various times
The Escape Room Chicago - various times
Apollo Theater - various times
Klein Creek Farm - 10:00 AM
Brookfield Zoo - various times
Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum - various times
McCormick Place - various times
Klein Creek Farm - 10:00 AM
Yellow Box Theatre - 7:30 PM
- various times
McCormick Place - various times
Morton Arboretum - various times
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Chicago International Puppet Theater Festival Free Neighborhood Tour
- see all dates
Except January 18, 2025; January 20, 2025; January 21, 2025.
The Chicago International Puppet Theater’s Festival Neighborhood Tour presents free family-friendly puppet shows outside a different Chicago theater venue each day. The 35-minute performances give families who might not usually get a chance to see puppetry enjoy the show. This year's presentations include "The Amazing Story Machine," performed by by Sandglass Theater Co. and Doppelskope and "Hungry Garden" performed by Poncili Creación.
Performance venues include:
Thursday, January 16: Austin Town Hall Cultural Center
Friday, January 17: Marshall Field Garden Apartments/Art on Sedgwick
Sunday, January 19: 345 Gallery
Wednesay, January 22: Center on Halsted and Theatre Y
Thursday, January 23: eta Creative Arts Foundation and Reva and David Logan Center for the Arts
Friday, January 24: Experimental Station and Segundo Ruiz Belvis Cultural Center
Saturday, January 25: Berger Park Cultural Center – Coach House and the Chicago Cultural Center
Sunday, January 26: South Shore Cultural Center Paul Robeson Theater
See the website for full details on each venue.