Frida’s Huipil: Art Workshop with Andrea Arroyo

Sun Mar 20, 2022
1:00pm to 3:00pm ET
Age: 13 and older
Price: $8 for adults, ages 3-18: $4, under 3 free
Hudson River Museum

Celebrate National Women's Month with award-winning contemporary artist Andrea Arroyo in an open-ended, hands-on workshop inspired by Frida Kahlo’s art, life, and her relationship with artist Diego Rivera. Create a mixed-media work in the shape of a huipil, a traditional, loose-fitting blouse from Mexico, using cut paper, collage, fabric, ribbon, beads, and other adornments. 

Representations of the huipil can be seen in both The World of Frida and Frida Kahlo in Context. Arroyo, a self-described Mexican-New Yorker artist, produces public art, paintings, drawings, and site-specific installations examining social justice issues and the status of women in society. Masks and proof of vaccination required. Workshop held in the Greene Education Center.

** Activity dates/times are subject to change. Please click through to the activity website to verify.