Parkway Bank Park - 10:00 AM
Morton Arboretum - various times
Lincoln Park Conservatory - various times
Sloomoo Institute - Chicago - various times
The Escape Room Chicago - various times
Parkway Bank Park - 10:00 AM
Morton Arboretum - various times
Lincoln Park Conservatory - various times
Sloomoo Institute - Chicago - various times
The Escape Room Chicago - various times
Parkway Bank Park - 10:00 AM
Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum - various times
Morton Arboretum - various times
Lincoln Park Conservatory - various times
The Joan & Paul Theatre - various times
Parkway Bank Park - 10:00 AM
Morton Arboretum - various times
Lincoln Park Conservatory - various times
Sloomoo Institute - Chicago - various times
The Escape Room Chicago - various times
Chicago Shakespeare Theatre on Navy Pier - 11:00 AM Pick
Various Chicago Parks - 9:00 AM
The Goal Line - 12:00 PM
Along Oak Park Avenue in Downtown Tinley Park - 1:00 PM
Edge Ice Arena - 2:00 PM
Harold Washington Library Center - 2:00 PM
Morton Arboretum - various times
Morton Arboretum - various times
Lincoln Park Conservatory - various times
Sloomoo Institute - Chicago - various times
The Escape Room Chicago - various times
LEGOLAND Discovery Center Chicago - various times
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Wednesday Workshop Series - CANCELED
- see all dates
Throughout Africa, pendants of varying intricacy, material, symbolism, and meaning reflect individual cultures and regions. Pendants and charms are not only a way of “dressing up” and feeling elegant, but also indicate one’s status, bring good fortune, and protect their owners. Examine the complex designs of the various jewelry and metal objects on exhibit before creating a piece of your own.
This workshop is presented as part of the museum’s series of Workshop Wednesdays. Every first and third Wednesday of the month, stop by the museum for drop-in classes from trained teachers.
Upcoming themes:
March 18 - Heroes and Sheroes Design with African Fabric
April 1 - The Eyes Have It
April 15 - Egyptian Culinary Arts
Stay for as long as you like to complete your masterpiece. All skill levels and ages welcome; participants under age 16 must be accompanied by an adult. Workshops are on a first-come, first-served basis.