Winter on the Wharf

Sat Dec 14, 2024
2:00pm to 5:00pm PT
Age: All ages
Price: free
Santa Cruz Wharf

Celebrate Winter on the Wharf with holiday decorations, Wharf specials and see Santa arrive on the Wharf by a vintage fire engine.

Letters to Santa can be mailed out in a special mailbox, play in the snow with Frozen's Elsa and Anna, and enjoy custom balloon designs and face painting.

Toys for Tots & Second Harvest Food Bank are available to collect an unwrapped toy or canned food item to be donated back to our community.

As a thank you for your donation, you will get a limited edition, custom event sticker designed and donated by BroPrints.

** Activity dates/times are subject to change. Please click through to the activity website to verify.