jkidphilly: Musical Summer Series

Wed Jul 17, 2019
5:30pm to 7:00pm ET
Age: 8 and under
Price: Free
Clark Park

jkidphilly hosts its Musical Summer Series at Clark Park. Guests can expect a performance with Chana Rothman and Jessi Roemer featuring the theme, B’tzelem Elohim as families celebrate individuality and uniqueness through PJ Library stories and music. 

Families can bring their own picnic dinner. Popsicles are provided for dessert. The event is held on the lawn near the playground. The rain date is July 18.

If visitors require accommodations in order to attend this event, please contact organizers at least seven days before the event. The jkidphilly staff has a calming/sensory box available for families at each program upon request.

** Activity dates/times are subject to change. Please click through to the activity website to verify.