Family Roots Exhibit at Pennypacker Mills

Age: All ages
Price: Free; however a $2 per person donation is suggested.
Pennypacker Mills

Visit Pennypacker Mills for a fascinating look at Pennsylvania Governor Samuel Pennypacker’s family history focusing the arrival of the first paternal ancestor in America in 1698 through to Samuel’s generation in this new exhibit.

Pennypacker’s passion for family history included artifacts that related to his family as well as silhouettes of his grandparents, signatures of all of the men in his direct line, pieces of furniture, personal items and of course the genealogy and family Bibles. His research took him to Holland and Germany and correspondence with as many relatives as he could find. This exhibit is included on all tours of the mansion. 

Hours are as follows:
Tuesday through Saturday: 10 AM-4 PM
Sunday 1 PM- 4 PM
Closed Mondays, County Holidays, and major holidays


** Activity dates/times are subject to change. Please click through to the activity website to verify.