Easter Bunny Train Ride and Easter Egg Hunt

Sat Apr 12, 2025 - Sun Apr 20, 2025
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Repeating every week — Sundays, and Saturdays through April 20, 2025.
Various times
Age: All
Price: $14 -20
Delaware River Railroad
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Ride the Easter Bunny Train Ride with guest Mr. Bunny. The ride winds along the scenic Delaware River, leaving from the Historic District of Phillipsburg and traveling along the river to Carpentersville. The destination is the site of the historic Lime Kilns with an Easter egg patch.

At the destination, guests may get off the train and take a picture with Mr. Bunny. The children can grab their baskets and gather a few Easter eggs filled with candy.

The pumpkin patch sits in a beautiful glade in front of the century old Carpentersville Lime Kilns. The lime kilns are not only the oldest but also the largest left in existence in New Jersey, dating to before the Revolutionary War.

** Activity dates/times are subject to change. Please click through to the activity website to verify.