Fort Point Festival

The Fort Point Festival is a summertime street festival bringing people from all over the city to Fort Point and celebrate all that this neighborhood has to offer.
This event is open to adults and families alike and will include activities, games, music, samples from local restaurants, beer from Hopsters and wine from 90+ Wine Cellars.
Activities include a Wine and Beer garden, Taste of Fort Point- ticketed samples from local restaurants, live music from three local music groups, Artists Village where you can buy local art, interactive arts from Artists for Humanity, sea chanties and Touch-A-Tank from Save the Harbor Save the Bay, children’s games from the Boston Children’s Museum, Touch-A-Truck from the Boston Fire Museum, Animal Craze Petting Zoo, a historical performance by the Boston Tea Party Museum, and much more.
The Festival takes place on Channel Center Street from Iron Street to Mount Washington Way. The entrance is located off of Iron Street. This event is rain or shine.