Sloomoo Institute - 10:00 AM
The Paley Museum - 12:00 PM
Queens Botanical Garden - 5:00 PM
Wyckoff Famhouse Museum - 11:00 AM Pick
Industry City - 11:00 AM Pick
Irish Arts Center (but this event is citywide) - 8:00 AM Pick
Sloomoo Institute - 10:00 AM
Brookfield Place - 11:00 AM
Sloomoo Institute - 10:00 AM
Brookfield Place - 11:00 AM
TopView Sightseeing Bus Stop - various times
Sloomoo Institute - 10:00 AM
Brookfield Place - 11:00 AM
The Paley Museum - 12:00 PM

Pier 40 at Hudson River Park

Marlene Meyerson JCC Manhattan

Broadway Comedy Club
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Wingspan Arts is postponing the Artopia event previously scheduled for April 4. The new date for this event has not yet been confirmed, but it will hopefully be rescheduled for later in the spring.
Wingspan Arts’ 11th annual Artopia offers 3 hours of interactive, authentic arts programming for families at no cost. This year's theme is "Art of the Animal Kingdom."
Professional artists lead thematic arts workshops, encouraging students to use their imaginations and curiosity to build their take-home artworks. Past projects have included leaf stamping, spoon maracas, homemade board games, and painting name-based hieroglyphics. Teaching Artists also facilitate interactive performance workshops in Hip Hop, Ballet, and Improv, followed by performances from Wingspan Arts’ Cabaret Troupe and select Afterschool music and dance classes.
Three activities are offered with a small fee: Face Painting, Button Making, and the Photo Booth. All three activities can be accessed with an optional $5 Activity Pass purchased upon arrival, or can be accessed individually for $2/each.