New York Philharmonic Young People’s Concert: Coming to New York — Immigrant Voices

Photo Courtesy Lincoln Center
Photo Courtesy Lincoln Center
Sat May 11, 2019
2:00pm ET
Age: 6-12
Price: $15-$42
David Geffen Hall

Listen to music reflecting the immigrant experience, with all of its challenges and triumphs, and learn how an orchestra made up of so many different instruments can work together to create a united, inspiring, and thrilling sound!

Arrive early to meet Philharmonic musicians, try out orchestral instruments, and enjoy a performance featuring some Very Young Composers.

The program includes:

  • Bartók - Selections from Concerto for Orchestra
  • Huang Ruo - Selection from Folk Songs for Orchestra
  • Roberto Sierra - Tumbao, from Sinfonia No. 3, La salsa
  • Kareem Roustom - Enough I Intended To Leave You, from Aleppo Songs for Orchestra
  • Gabriella Lena Frank - Selections from Peregrinos
  • Very Young Composers - New works

Purchase tickets in advance.

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