CANCELED: IFC Center: New York International Children's Film Festival Screenings

Sat Mar 7, 2020 - Sun Mar 15, 2020
- see all dates
Repeating every week — Sundays, and Saturdays through March 15, 2020.
Various times
Age: Ages 3 and up
Price: $14.50 and up
IFC Center

IFC Center plays host to select films from The New York International Children's Film Festival, including the much-loved Shorts selections.

On the advice of public health experts on COVID-19 best practices and in the interest of making health the utmost priority, NYICFF has made the difficult decision to cancel all events and screenings for NYICFF's final weekend, March 14th and 15th.

Screenings at the IFC Center include:

Saturday, March 7:

  • Shorts Films 1 (ages 5-10) - 10:45am
  • On-Gaku: Our Sound (Japan, ages 12+) - 11am

Sunday, March 8:

  • Magic Boy (Japan, ages 8+) - 10:45am
  • Shorts for Tots (ages 3-6) - 11am

Saturday, March 14:

  • Forward: Tomorrow Belongs to Us (France, ages 8+) - 11am
  • Girls' POV (Shorts, ages 10+) - 11:15am

Sunday, March 15:

  • Rocca Changes the World (Germany, ages 8+) - 10:45am
  • SamSam (Belgium/France, all ages)- 11am

Mommy Poppins readers can save $2 on short film program tickets using the code MOMP20 at checkout.

** Activity dates/times are subject to change. Please click through to the activity website to verify.