Beginner Manga Art for Teens

Thu Sep 7, 2023 - Thu Dec 21, 2023
- see all dates
Repeating every week — Thursdays through December 21, 2023.
4:30pm to 6:30pm ET
Age: 9-13 years
Price: From $80/2-hour single class or sign up for full class course curriculum at discounted rate
Creatively Wild Art Studio

Learn how to develop your own comic book style in the Manga tradition. Study different Manga styles and genres including: Chibi, Shoju, Shounen + more! Gain confidence in technical and figurative sketching, studying anatomy and physical features.

Learn the importance of composition and how to set your figures in dynamic poses to drive the mood & tension of your narrative. Design your own characters: human or animal and with super powers and defining characteristics. Discover how to manipulate facial features or anatomical and musculature lines to give them individuality. Design cool hair styles and costumes for a unique quality. This is a great skill for those who love comic or graphic art, students practice technical drawing, storyboarding and learn how to work with inks and study color theory.

For Tweens ages 9-12 yrs

Time: Thursdays 4:30pm-6:30pm

  • FALL I 8 Wks SEP 7- OCT 26

  • FALL II 7 WKS NOV 2-DEC 21

** Activity dates/times are subject to change. Please click through to the activity website to verify.