New Exhibits at CMEE: Ring of Fire and Miles of Tiles

Fri Nov 30, 2018 - Thu Jan 10, 2019
- see all dates
Repeating every week — Mondays, and Thursdays through January 11, 2019
Except December 25, 2018, January 1, 2019.
Various times
Age: 2+
Price: Children & Adults: $12
Children's Museum of the East End

The Children's Museum of the East End unveiled two new exhibitions, “Ring of Fire” and “Miles of Tiles,” which are designed to stimulate early math fluency and reduce the math achievement gap. 

On loan from the Museum of Mathematics in New York City as part of their “MoMath 2 Go” initiative, the exhibitions will include specially created “tip cards” with talking points for parents and caregivers to communicate mathematics to their children more effectively.

NOTE: The museum is closed on Tuesdays.

** Activity dates/times are subject to change. Please click through to the activity website to verify.