Masterclass Series at the Landmark on Main

Mon Feb 11, 2019 - Mon Mar 4, 2019
- see all dates
Repeating every month on the 4 of March 2 times.
7:00pm to 9:00pm ET
Age: high school +
Price: Free
Landmark on Main Street

This series of four FREE experiential workshops for high school students through adults, features skilled and celebrated professional artists in a variety of disciplines. 

Master Class with Jonathan Goldstein on February 11 at the Landmark on Main Street. The event is completely FREE, and open to those high school age and up. This is supported by HEARTS and LANDMARK ON MAIN STREET, two Port Washington non-profits whose missions involve supporting the arts throughout the community.

Feb. 11: Jonathan Goldstein: Audition and Scene Study Technique. Veteran screen/stage actor and director Jonathan Goldstein, a Port Washington-native, will instruct aspiring teen and adult actors on how to put their best foot forward for auditions and performing. 

March 4: Roberto Villanueva: Pop Dance. An internationally acclaimed dancer, producer, director, choreographer, and educator—Pop Dance will teach dance vocabulary, patterns and shapes found in current day hip-hop, Pop and street dance cultures.

** Activity dates/times are subject to change. Please click through to the activity website to verify.