Amazon's Treasure Truck & Baby Registry First Steps Pop-Up

Sat Jun 15, 2019 - Sun Jun 16, 2019
- see all dates
Repeating every days through June 16, 2019.
10:00am to 6:00pm CT
Age: All ages
Price: Free
Silver Street Studios

Join Amazon's Treasure Truck and Amazon Baby Registry First Steps for a one-of-a-kind pop-up retail experience. Take advantage of giveaways, products, and hands-on activations with must-have baby registry essentials including a toy playroom, a car seat display to “test drive” the latest in car seat safety and technology, a furniture pop-up house, a premium clothing area, and more.

The event is free and open to the public for all parents, new moms and expecting moms (and your family, too!). Free parking is available onsite. For more information visit:

** Activity dates/times are subject to change. Please click through to the activity website to verify.