School Vacation Movie and Outdoor Fun

Age: Ages 4 to 8
Price: Per day: $45/child for CAS Members; $50/child for nonmembers
Connecticut Audubon Society, Center at Fairfield

School breaks are a great time for children to experience the hands-on learning activities and programs offered by the Connecticut Audubon Society Center at Fairfield. Both outdoors and indoors, a variety of fun and unique nature-based offerings are planned for each day. Weather permitting, we’ll head outside to explore and observe nature on our trails, build an ice sculpture and learn how to make snow. After the fresh air, we’ll come inside to meet animal friends, make Play-Doh, do crafts to take home, and settle in for a movie on the big screen.

Snack is provided. Please send a nut-free lunch for your child.

Pre-registration required. Reserve your spot today at 203-259-6305 ext. 109. More information at

Visit Connecticut Audubon Society’s website at for a complete listing of programs and special events.

** Activity dates/times are subject to change. Please click through to the activity website to verify.