Empowering Parents Webinar: Special Education

Tue Jun 9, 2020
7:00pm ET
Age: Parents and Caregivers
Price: Free
Online webinar

We are a community of concerned parents and we are all learning how to connect in order to get through these difficult times together. In the coming weeks ahead, Attorney Lawrence Berliner will be moderating a series of webinars with guests, to address this unprecedented environment of distance learning and its impact upon your child’s special education. We will discuss new strategies, special ed law issues as they evolve, address your questions and frustrations, and hopefully some successes, too.


This webinar is free and open to the public, but registration is required. Please register here: https://bit.ly/3dppt0a

Email your questions for the Q&A to Rachel Berliner at rachel@berlinerspecialedlaw.com .


- Attorney Lawrence Berliner, CT Special Education Law

- Sue Rappaport, Director of Placement, Eagle Hill School, Greenwich, CT


Co-hosted with the Stamford JCC (Stamford, Connecticut).


Topics of discussions will focus on:

1)Process of Virtual Admissions: Positives and Challenges

• Virtual open house

• Zoom parent interviews

• Zoom student visits

2) Placement challenges and transitioning in the virtual distance learning world

3) Summer school and thinking into the fall


** Activity dates/times are subject to change. Please click through to the activity website to verify.