Bald Eagle Viewing at Shepaug Dam
Shepaug Dam - 9:00 AM
Shepaug Dam - 9:00 AM
Kids Yoga at Body Karma Studio
Body Karma Studio - 10:30 AM
Body Karma Studio - 10:30 AM
Valentine’s Vacation Fun: Story Time at Bruce Museum
The Bruce Museum - 11:00 AM
The Bruce Museum - 11:00 AM
Winter Wanderers Feb "Camp" at Roaring Brook Nature Center
Roaring Brook Environmental Center - 9:00 AM Pick
Roaring Brook Environmental Center - 9:00 AM Pick
Winter Wanderers Feb "Camp" at Roaring Brook Nature Center
Roaring Brook Environmental Center - 9:00 AM Pick
Roaring Brook Environmental Center - 9:00 AM Pick
School Break Camp at Chelsea Piers in Stamford
Chelsea Piers Connecticut - 8:45 AM
Chelsea Piers Connecticut - 8:45 AM
Wild Winter February Break Program at Lachat Town Farm
Lachat Town Farm - 9:00 AM
Lachat Town Farm - 9:00 AM
Vacation Day Camp at Earthplace
Earthplace - 9:00 AM
Earthplace - 9:00 AM
Bald Eagle Viewing at Shepaug Dam
Shepaug Dam - 9:00 AM
Shepaug Dam - 9:00 AM
School Break Camp at Chelsea Piers in Stamford
Chelsea Piers Connecticut - 8:45 AM
Chelsea Piers Connecticut - 8:45 AM
Wild Winter February Break Program at Lachat Town Farm
Lachat Town Farm - 9:00 AM
Lachat Town Farm - 9:00 AM
School Break Camp at Chelsea Piers in Stamford
Chelsea Piers Connecticut - 8:45 AM
Chelsea Piers Connecticut - 8:45 AM
Wild Winter February Break Program at Lachat Town Farm
Lachat Town Farm - 9:00 AM
Lachat Town Farm - 9:00 AM
Make + Take Goat Milk Soap at the All Things Maple & Pancake Party at Lyman Orchards
Lyman Orchards Apple Barrel - 9:00 AM Pick
Lyman Orchards Apple Barrel - 9:00 AM Pick
Lunar New Year Celebration at CT Museum of History and Culture
Connecticut Museum of Culture and History - 11:00 AM Pick
Connecticut Museum of Culture and History - 11:00 AM Pick
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Honey Harvest Time at Auer Farm

Wed Sep 11, 2024
6:45pm ET
Age: All Ages
Price: $10 pp, $20 per family
Join Auerfarm’s Resident Beekeeper Kevin Krebsbach as he harvests the honey from our beehives. This unique educational experience is like no other. Learn about backyard beekeeping, harvesting honey, and the wonderful lives of bees.
The Honey Harvest will be led by Auerfarm's Beekeeper, Kevin Krebsbach. Hands-on experiences include: Learn about beekeeping at home. Learn why bees are important to humanity and why do we harvest when the sun goes down?
The Auerfarm wildflower farm-raised harvested honey will be sold at Fall Festival on Sun. 10/6/24.
** Activity dates/times are subject to change. Please click through to the activity website to verify.