Children's Museum of Indianapolis Facebook Live Series

Wed Mar 18, 2020 - Fri Mar 20, 2020
- see all dates
Repeating every days through March 20, 2020.
9:00am to 9:15am CT
Age: All ages
Price: FREE

The Children's Museum of Indianapolis is hosting a series of 15-minute virtual programs for children on assorted topics, including physical and scientific activities, via Facebook Live.

The schedule is as follows:

  • Wednesday, March 18 - Let's Get Active - organized sports activities
  • Friday, March 20 - Science with Educator Becky Wolfe
  • Monday, March 23 - Science with Educator Becky Wolfe
  • Friday, March 27 - Science with Educator Becky Wolfe

Programs are scheduled for 9:00 am CDT.

** Activity dates/times are subject to change. Please click through to the activity website to verify.