Franklin Park Zoo - 9:00 AM
Harvard Museum of Natural History - 9:00 AM
CambridgeSide - 9:00 AM
Brookline Village Library - 10:30 AM
Big Bouncy Party - 10:00 AM
CambridgeSide - 9:00 AM
Franklin Park Zoo - 9:00 AM
Harvard Museum of Natural History - 9:00 AM
Grace Chapel Lexington - 9:30 AM
Seacoast Science Center - 10:00 AM
Franklin Park Zoo - 9:00 AM
Harvard Museum of Natural History - 9:00 AM
CambridgeSide - 9:00 AM
Coolidge Corner Theatre - 10:30 AM
West Roxbury Branch Library - 1:00 PM Pick
Franklin Park Zoo - 9:00 AM
Harvard Museum of Natural History - 9:00 AM
CambridgeSide - 9:00 AM
Harvard Museum of Natural History - 9:00 AM
CambridgeSide - 9:00 AM
Play Union - 9:45 AM
South Boston Branch - 10:30 AM
Coolidge Corner Branch Library - 3:00 PM
Codman Square Branch Library - 10:30 AM Pick
Harvard Museum of Natural History - 9:00 AM
CambridgeSide - 9:00 AM
Charlestown Branch Library - 10:30 AM
Coolidge Corner Branch Library - 10:30 AM

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Family Owl Prowl
Discover some of the unique adaptations of owls, practice owl calls, and meet some of the museum's resident owls before going on a night hike to search for owls and other nocturnal life.
Advance registration is required. Space is limited and there will be no walk-in registration for this event.
Instructions and Directions: To preserve the magic of the night, only adults should carry flashlights. A portion of this program is held outdoors without flashlights, using only natural light. Please leave toys, clothing, or shoes that flash or make noise at home.
The path taken as part of this program is approximately two miles round-trip. While a portion is paved, the remainder of the path features unpaved, uneven terrain. The paved portion is approximately one-quarter mile long and has an average grade of 6%, with much steeper slopes in some areas (a standard accessibility ramp has a grade of less than 5%). The unpaved portion is relatively level.
Please wear sturdy, closed-toe walking shoes. Sneakers with socks are acceptable. Open-toe, sandal style shoes are not safe.
Rain date for this event is Saturday, Oct. 19.