Turtle's Wetland Quest

Thu May 9, 2019 - Fri May 10, 2019
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Repeating every days through May 10, 2019.
10:30am ET
Age: 4+
Price: $12
Puppet Showplace Theater

New England animals are the stars of this charming story about friends in a wetland habitat. The little pond where Blanding the Turtle has lived for many years is no longer safe because a road has been built between there and the place she goes to lay her eggs. When she meets young Castor the Beaver, who is eager to build a dam, she sees that her pond problems might be solved! Along the way, we also meet a young boy and his babysitter who learn together how to look closely at nature. Deborah Costine brings this story to life with a naturalist's eye, conveying ecological details through expert design. Each show begins with a hands-on presentation of real-world specimens from the woodlands of Massachusetts!

May 9-10 (Thurs-Fri) | 10:30 am

Recommended for ages 4 and up. Hand & rod puppets.

Tickets are available on our website, over the phone, or at our Box Office. Advance reservations are suggested.


** Activity dates/times are subject to change. Please click through to the activity website to verify.