Franklin Park Zoo - 9:00 AM
Harvard Museum of Natural History - 9:00 AM
CambridgeSide - 9:00 AM
Brookline Village Library - 10:30 AM
Big Bouncy Party - 10:00 AM
CambridgeSide - 9:00 AM
Franklin Park Zoo - 9:00 AM
Harvard Museum of Natural History - 9:00 AM
Grace Chapel Lexington - 9:30 AM
Seacoast Science Center - 10:00 AM
Franklin Park Zoo - 9:00 AM
Harvard Museum of Natural History - 9:00 AM
CambridgeSide - 9:00 AM
Coolidge Corner Theatre - 10:30 AM
West Roxbury Branch Library - 1:00 PM Pick
Franklin Park Zoo - 9:00 AM
Harvard Museum of Natural History - 9:00 AM
CambridgeSide - 9:00 AM
Harvard Museum of Natural History - 9:00 AM
CambridgeSide - 9:00 AM
Play Union - 9:45 AM
South Boston Branch - 10:30 AM
Coolidge Corner Branch Library - 3:00 PM
Codman Square Branch Library - 10:30 AM Pick
Harvard Museum of Natural History - 9:00 AM
CambridgeSide - 9:00 AM
Charlestown Branch Library - 10:30 AM
Coolidge Corner Branch Library - 10:30 AM

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2018 Home School Weeks at LEGOLAND Discovery Center Boston
- see all dates
LEGOLAND® Discovery Center Boston hosts Home School Weeks on September 24-28 and October 1-5 where home school students and their teachers can come explore the attraction and experience LEGO Education workshops at a discounted rate.
From 10 am-2 pm, What A Great Experience, Merry-Go-Round, Spin the Gears and Spinning Tops LEGO® Education workshops are available for home school students.
The LEGO® Education workshops are between 30-45 minutes long and explore a range of topics including storytelling, science, engineering design, mathematics and language arts. The workshops have downloadable sheets for teachers to use in advance, during and after their visit so the curriculum can be integrated into their home school discussions. In addition, each workshop was developed to meet and address Common Core Standards.
Enjoy a reduced admission rate of $10 per person and enjoy access to rides, multiple interactive play areas, the unique 4D Theater and access to LEGO® Education workshops. Bookings can be done the day of visit with the admissions staff.