Franklin Park Zoo - 9:00 AM
Harvard Museum of Natural History - 9:00 AM
CambridgeSide - 9:00 AM
New England Botanic Garden at Tower Hill - 10:00 AM
New England Botanic Garden at Tower Hill - 10:30 AM
CambridgeSide - 9:00 AM
Grace Chapel Lexington - 9:30 AM
Franklin Park Zoo - 9:00 AM
Harvard Museum of Natural History - 9:00 AM
Seacoast Science Center - 10:00 AM
CambridgeSide - 9:00 AM
Franklin Park Zoo - 9:00 AM
Harvard Museum of Natural History - 9:00 AM
Beth Menachem Chabad - 10:30 AM
Franklin Park Zoo - 9:00 AM
CambridgeSide - 9:00 AM
Harvard Museum of Natural History - 9:00 AM
Franklin Park Zoo - 9:00 AM
New England Botanic Garden at Tower Hill - 10:00 AM
Boston Public Market - 10:15 AM
Franklin Park Zoo - 9:00 AM
Harvard Museum of Natural History - 9:00 AM
Jam Time Norwood - 9:00 AM
Jam Time - Natcik - 9:00 AM
Jam Time - 9:00 AM
CambridgeSide - 9:00 AM
Harvard Museum of Natural History - 9:00 AM
Franklin Park Zoo - 9:00 AM
Concord Museum - 10:00 AM

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Taiko Drumming in the Cherry Blossoms
Come celebrate Japanese culture amongst the Arnold Arboretum’s beautiful cherry blossoms, with Taiko drumming by Karen Young and KASA Taiko, and calligraphy and Japanese games by the Showa Boston Institute.
The Taiko drumming will be taking place from 6:00-6:30, with Showa activities before and after. Seating for the performance will be on the ground, but you are welcome to bring a blanket to sit on.
Accessibility: This program will take place on mowed grass in the Bradley Rosaceous Collection.
Audience: This event is appropriate for all ages.
Inclement weather policy: Participants will be notified via email at least 24 hours in advance if a program needs to be cancelled due to inclement weather, and will be notified by phone if a program must be cancelled with less than 24 hours’ notice.
Registration: Registration is not required for this event but helps the organizers to plan.