Breakthroughs in Twice Exceptional Education 2021

Wed Mar 10, 2021 - Fri Mar 12, 2021
- see all dates
Repeating every days through March 12, 2021.
8:00am to 4:00pm ET
Age: 16+
Price: $50 - $225

The Quad Preparatory School hosts its eighth annual national conference Breakthroughs in Twice Exceptional Education 2021 on a fully hybrid platform.

The event brings together clinicians, parents, educators, and more for workshops and presentations on the latest best-practices in working with twice-exceptional learners. 

Twice-exceptional, or 2e, students are gifted children with special needs, such as ADHD, learning challenges, or autism spectrum disorder (ASD). 

This year’s Breakthroughs focuses on the intersection of neurodiversity and other diverse identities, engaging and inquiry based academics, and clinically informed social-emotional learning and clinical practices, all in support of twice exceptional education.

Renowned author and neurodiversity advocate Dr. Temple Grandin provides this year’s keynote, Thinking Differently: The Essential Value of Neurodiversity in Our World and Future. Additional featured presentations include Mapping the Margins: Understanding Intersecting Identities for Twice-Exceptional Students with Renae D. Mayes, PhD; Human Potential: Nurturing Talents,

 A list of full conference speakers is available on the website. 


** Activity dates/times are subject to change. Please click through to the activity website to verify.