InterAct Story Theatre's "The Monsters of Seahorse Island" at Cultural Arts Center

Sat Feb 1, 2025 - Sun Feb 9, 2025
- see all dates
Repeating every week — Sundays, and Saturdays through February 9, 2025.
Various times
Age: 5+
Price: Adults $21.26; Children (4-11) $17.86, (3 and under) free
Montgomery College Cultural Arts Center

The people of Seahorse Island and the people of the Kingdom under the ocean have been at odds for longer than anyone can remember, but why? And what happens when worlds collide? This thoughtful and funny play includes lots of audience participation. Come early for crafts and pre-show activities, and stick around afterwards for a Meet-and-Greet with the actors to get autographs and take pictures.

Showtimes are at 1:30pm & 3:30pm. 

The Pre-show activities table opens 30 minutes before the performance.


** Activity dates/times are subject to change. Please click through to the activity website to verify.