Dilworth Park - 9:00 AM
Linvilla Orchard - 9:00 AM
Pennsylvania Convention Center - various times
Dilworth Park - 9:00 AM
Linvilla Orchard - 9:00 AM
LEGOLAND Discovery Center Philadelphia - 10:00 AM
Pennsylvania Convention Center - various times
Philadelphia Zoo - various times
Dilworth Park - 9:00 AM
Linvilla Orchard - 9:00 AM
Adventure Aquarium - 10:00 AM
LEGOLAND Discovery Center Philadelphia - 10:00 AM
Rowan Suburban Square - various times
Dilworth Park - 9:00 AM
Linvilla Orchard - 9:00 AM
Pennsylvania Convention Center - 10:00 AM
LEGOLAND Discovery Center Philadelphia - 10:00 AM
Adventure Aquarium - 10:00 AM
Dilworth Park - 9:00 AM
Linvilla Orchard - 9:00 AM
Adventure Aquarium - 10:00 AM
- 10:00 AM
Warwick County Park - 10:00 AM
Linvilla Orchard - 9:00 AM
LEGOLAND Discovery Center Philadelphia - 10:00 AM
Temple Music Prep - 6:00 PM
Philadelphia Zoo - various times
Linvilla Orchard - 9:00 AM
LEGOLAND Discovery Center Philadelphia - 10:00 AM
Philadelphia Zoo - various times
The Escape Game King of Prussia - various times
Legoland Discovery Center at the Plymouth Meeting Mall - various times

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Footsteps for Friends 5K Race & 1 Mile Fun Run
Friends School Haverford holds its 16th Annual Footsteps for Friends 5K Race and 1 Mile Walk/Fun Run on Saturday, October 13. Footsteps for Friends benefits the Friends School Haverford Financial Aid Program and supports Quaker education.
The course takes runners through the streets of Haverford, the Haverford College campus, and the Haverford College nature trail. This race is wheel-measured, and the turns and miles are marked. Runners will be timed electronically with the ability to view their final race times on www.brynmawrracing.com
7:30 am - Registration and check-in begins
8:30 am - 1 Mile Walk/Fun Run Race begins
8:45 am - 5K Race begins
Following the race and awards ceremony stay with us for our annual family-friendly event - Pumpkin Day. Please join us for this festive celebration. Come prepared for fall-themed games and activities, field games, and of course, pumpkins to paint!
5K Awards to overall top 3 male and female runners,
8 and under, 9-11, 12-14, 15-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50+
Prizes to top 3 fundraisers.
Click here to register online
Register by Mail:
Click here to download a race form, sign, and send along with payment option to:
Friends School Haverford
851 Buck Lane, Haverford, PA 19041
Make check payable to Friends School Haverford
$20.00 per adult through October 5, 2018
$25.00 from October 5, 2018 through race day.
$15.00 per child 14 & under and students with ID.
Run with friends!
Run for friends!