Jack-O-Lantern Exhibit

Fri Oct 23, 2020 - Fri Oct 30, 2020
- see all dates
Repeating every days through October 30, 2020.
6:00pm to 8:00pm ET
Age: All Ages
Price: Free
Linvilla Orchard

Jack is back: Linvilla’s jack-o-lantern exhibit returns to Linvilla Orchard's Pumpkinland. Every night, the hand-carved pumpkins are lit for all to see starting at 6pm. 

Please keep your family and others safe by always wearing masks and maintaining social distancing measures. If an event appears too crowded, try using the “nearby” search feature on our event calendar to find something else to do.


** Activity dates/times are subject to change. Please click through to the activity website to verify.