Dilworth Park - 9:00 AM
Dilworth Park - 9:00 AM
Indoor Mini Golf at Linvilla
Linvilla Orchard - 9:00 AM
Linvilla Orchard - 9:00 AM
Mermaids at Adventure Aquarium
Adventure Aquarium - 10:00 AM
Adventure Aquarium - 10:00 AM
Youth Cheer Classes
- 10:00 AM
- 10:00 AM
Maple Sugaring at Warwick County Park
Warwick County Park - 10:00 AM
Warwick County Park - 10:00 AM
Indoor Mini Golf at Linvilla
Linvilla Orchard - 9:00 AM
Linvilla Orchard - 9:00 AM
Build the Thrill
LEGOLAND Discovery Center Philadelphia - 10:00 AM
LEGOLAND Discovery Center Philadelphia - 10:00 AM
Singing for Busy Adults
Temple Music Prep - 6:00 PM
Temple Music Prep - 6:00 PM
Philadelphia Zoo
Philadelphia Zoo - various times
Philadelphia Zoo - various times
Indoor Mini Golf at Linvilla
Linvilla Orchard - 9:00 AM
Linvilla Orchard - 9:00 AM
Build the Thrill
LEGOLAND Discovery Center Philadelphia - 10:00 AM
LEGOLAND Discovery Center Philadelphia - 10:00 AM
Philadelphia Zoo
Philadelphia Zoo - various times
Philadelphia Zoo - various times
The Escape Game
The Escape Game King of Prussia - various times
The Escape Game King of Prussia - various times
LEGOLAND Discovery Center Philadelphia
Legoland Discovery Center at the Plymouth Meeting Mall - various times
Legoland Discovery Center at the Plymouth Meeting Mall - various times
Indoor Mini Golf at Linvilla
Linvilla Orchard - 9:00 AM
Linvilla Orchard - 9:00 AM
Build the Thrill
LEGOLAND Discovery Center Philadelphia - 10:00 AM
LEGOLAND Discovery Center Philadelphia - 10:00 AM
Philadelphia Zoo
Philadelphia Zoo - various times
Philadelphia Zoo - various times
The Escape Game
The Escape Game King of Prussia - various times
The Escape Game King of Prussia - various times
LEGOLAND Discovery Center Philadelphia
Legoland Discovery Center at the Plymouth Meeting Mall - various times
Legoland Discovery Center at the Plymouth Meeting Mall - various times
Indoor Mini Golf at Linvilla
Linvilla Orchard - 9:00 AM
Linvilla Orchard - 9:00 AM
Build the Thrill
LEGOLAND Discovery Center Philadelphia - 10:00 AM
LEGOLAND Discovery Center Philadelphia - 10:00 AM
Philadelphia Zoo
Philadelphia Zoo - various times
Philadelphia Zoo - various times
The Escape Game
The Escape Game King of Prussia - various times
The Escape Game King of Prussia - various times
LEGOLAND Discovery Center Philadelphia
Legoland Discovery Center at the Plymouth Meeting Mall - various times
Legoland Discovery Center at the Plymouth Meeting Mall - various times
Indoor Mini Golf at Linvilla
Linvilla Orchard - 9:00 AM
Linvilla Orchard - 9:00 AM
Mermaids at Adventure Aquarium
Adventure Aquarium - 10:00 AM
Adventure Aquarium - 10:00 AM
Build the Thrill
LEGOLAND Discovery Center Philadelphia - 10:00 AM
LEGOLAND Discovery Center Philadelphia - 10:00 AM
St. Paddy's unWINEd Weekends
Shady Brook Farm - various times
Shady Brook Farm - various times
Philadelphia Zoo
Philadelphia Zoo - various times
Philadelphia Zoo - various times
Indoor Mini Golf at Linvilla
Linvilla Orchard - 9:00 AM
Linvilla Orchard - 9:00 AM
Mermaids at Adventure Aquarium
Adventure Aquarium - 10:00 AM
Adventure Aquarium - 10:00 AM
CultureFest! Holi
Penn Museum - 10:00 AM
Penn Museum - 10:00 AM
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Namaste India at the Please Touch Museum
Fri Jan 26, 2024 - Sun May 5, 2024
- see all dates
Repeating every week — Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays through May 5, 2024.
Various times
Age: All Ages
Price: $22
Experience the vibrant art, food, and culture of India — a country rich in traditions with a focus on the future. Created by The Magic House, St. Louis Children’s Museum in partnership with the St. Louis Indian community, Namaste India encourages global awareness and cultural appreciation.
In this exhibit, visitors can:
- Smell popular spices like turmeric, cumin, and clove at the Spice Market
- Explore block printing in the Fabric Market
- Try their hand at bowling a cricket ball
- Explore a traditional home, featuring an entrance decorated with a rangoli and filled with other traditional Indian art
- Take a simulated ride in a three-wheeled tuk tuk
- Watch clips from famous Bollywood movies, and walk the red carpet as a Bollywood star
- Prepare roti, a traditional flatbread cooked in a clay tandoor oven
- … and more!
** Activity dates/times are subject to change. Please click through to the activity website to verify.