Free Music Mondays with Mister Mous

Mon Sep 23, 2024
10:00am to 10:45am ET
Age: 0-3
Gold Star Park

Free Music Mondays with Mister Mous

We're excited to offer a series of free baby music classes on Mondays this fall as we introduce one of our incredible new teachers, Mister Mous! If you're already registered for another class and want to join the Monday fun as well, please do! Invite your friends and get ready for a magical music class full of surprises set to your favorite tunes from your favorite artists. Monday mornings at parks around South Philly.

Here's the schedule, weather permitting:

9/16 - Palumbo Recreation Center @ 9am
9/23 - Gold Star Park @10am
9/30 - Jefferson Square Park @11am
10/7 - Capitolo Playground @10am
10/14 - Starr Garden Playground @ 9am

BYO shaker and blanket (and baby, of course!) 

Mister John's Music - Philadelphia

Mister John’s Music offers an ever-expanding, wide variety of musical instruction for the whole family. For Babies: Philadelphia’s favorite early childhood music classes boost brain functioning, motor skills and language development, while positive social-emotional dynamics and shared experience are the focus. With a huge variety of popular music, babies, parents and nannies are all active participants in the Mister John’s Music experience. Through music, rhythm and movement, infants and toddlers learn about self-expression, teamwork, sharing, and... read more
More Activities Here
** Activity dates/times are subject to change. Please click through to the activity website to verify.