Dilworth Park - 9:00 AM
Linvilla Orchard - 9:00 AM
Weitzman National Museum of American Jewish History - 10:00 AM
Museum of the American Revolution - 10:00 AM
Dilworth Park - 9:00 AM
Linvilla Orchard - 9:00 AM
Blue Cross RiverRink - various times
Dilworth Park - various times
Franklin Square - various times
Dilworth Park - 9:00 AM
Linvilla Orchard - 9:00 AM
Kimberton Waldorf School - 10:00 AM
Blue Cross RiverRink - various times
Independence Blue Cross RiverRink Summerfest - various times
Dilworth Park - 9:00 AM
Linvilla Orchard - 9:00 AM
Franklin Square - 5:00 PM
Gran Salon & Plaza Esperanza Arts Center 4261 - 6:00 PM
Blue Cross RiverRink - various times
Dilworth Park - 9:00 AM
Linvilla Orchard - 9:00 AM
Philadelphia City Institute - 2:00 PM
Franklin Square - 5:00 PM
Blue Cross RiverRink - various times
Old Pine Community Center - 9:00 AM
Dilworth Park - 9:00 AM
Newlin Grist Mill - 9:00 AM
Linvilla Orchard - 9:00 AM
Temple Music Prep - 3:00 PM
Old Pine Community Center - 9:00 AM
Dilworth Park - 9:00 AM
Linvilla Orchard - 9:00 AM
- 10:00 AM
Wissahickon Environmental Center - 11:00 AM

Wells Fargo Center

Lower School Campus
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Coatesville Christmas Parade
Get ready to welcome this special time of year with the 2021 Coatesville Christmas Parade. The parade is set to march down Lincoln Highway so find a spot and celebrate the season! There is no snow/rain date for this event. Check the website for changes or cancellations.
The parade follows Lincoln Highway starting at Strode Avenue and ending at 11th Avenue. Automobiles, police and emergency vehicles are judged in their respective pre-parade line-up areas beginning at 9:20 am. Judging for all other competitions takes place between 10th and 11th Avenues during the parade.
Guests can park in one of the city lots or on the side streets off Lincoln Highway. Beginning at 7 am, there is no parking on Lincoln Highway from bridge to bridge and no parking on Strode Avenue from Valley Road to Lincoln Highway. Cars parked after 7 am will be towed.