Scooter Scavenger Hunt at Orlo Vista Park

Sat Mar 6, 2021 - Fri Mar 19, 2021
- see all dates
Repeating every days through March 19, 2021.
Various times
Age: All ages
Price: Free
Orlo Vista Park

Explore the outdoors while scooting through Orlo Vista Park on a scavenger hunt for stickers featuring the Scooter mascot.

Clue #1 can be found on the front door. Each clue to lead to another, until participants reach a "Found It!" sticker. Take a photo with the sticker and post to Orange County Parks Twitter page for a chance to win a goodie bag.  Scavenger hunt will end at noon on March 19.

** Activity dates/times are subject to change. Please click through to the activity website to verify.