Garfield Park Conservatory Spring Flower Show: Rooted in Mystery
Garfield Park Conservatory - various times
Garfield Park Conservatory - various times
Of the Earth
Morton Arboretum - various times
Morton Arboretum - various times
Lincoln Park Conservatory Spring Flower Show: Spectrum of Spring
Lincoln Park Conservatory - various times
Lincoln Park Conservatory - various times
Sloomoo Institute of Chicago
Sloomoo Institute - Chicago - various times
Sloomoo Institute - Chicago - various times
The Escape Game Chicago
The Escape Room Chicago - various times
The Escape Room Chicago - various times
Donation Days for Illinois Residents at the Notebaert Nature Museum
Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum - various times
Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum - various times
Garfield Park Conservatory Spring Flower Show: Rooted in Mystery
Garfield Park Conservatory - various times
Garfield Park Conservatory - various times
Of the Earth
Morton Arboretum - various times
Morton Arboretum - various times
Lincoln Park Conservatory Spring Flower Show: Spectrum of Spring
Lincoln Park Conservatory - various times
Lincoln Park Conservatory - various times
DinoWorks at Wonder Works
Wonder Works, a Children's Museum - various times
Wonder Works, a Children's Museum - various times
Hershey Super Sweet Adventure
Water Tower Place - 10:00 AM
Water Tower Place - 10:00 AM
Garfield Park Conservatory Spring Flower Show: Rooted in Mystery
Garfield Park Conservatory - various times
Garfield Park Conservatory - various times
Of the Earth
Morton Arboretum - various times
Morton Arboretum - various times
Lincoln Park Conservatory Spring Flower Show: Spectrum of Spring
Lincoln Park Conservatory - various times
Lincoln Park Conservatory - various times
DinoWorks at Wonder Works
Wonder Works, a Children's Museum - various times
Wonder Works, a Children's Museum - various times
'Go Run
Various Chicago Parks - 9:00 AM
Various Chicago Parks - 9:00 AM
Hershey Super Sweet Adventure
Water Tower Place - 10:00 AM
Water Tower Place - 10:00 AM
Hershey Super Sweet Adventure
Water Tower Place - 10:00 AM
Water Tower Place - 10:00 AM
Family Fun in the Club: Little Miss Ann and Suzi Shelton!
FitzGerald's - 10:00 AM
FitzGerald's - 10:00 AM
CAMP x Miraculous
CAMP Chicago - 10:00 AM
CAMP Chicago - 10:00 AM
Truckin' Into Spring
Bemis Woods - 11:00 AM
Bemis Woods - 11:00 AM
Of the Earth
Morton Arboretum - various times
Morton Arboretum - various times
Spring Break on Navy Pier
Navy Pier - 12:00 PM
Navy Pier - 12:00 PM
Garfield Park Conservatory Spring Flower Show: Rooted in Mystery
Garfield Park Conservatory - various times
Garfield Park Conservatory - various times
Of the Earth
Morton Arboretum - various times
Morton Arboretum - various times
Lincoln Park Conservatory Spring Flower Show: Spectrum of Spring
Lincoln Park Conservatory - various times
Lincoln Park Conservatory - various times
DinoWorks at Wonder Works
Wonder Works, a Children's Museum - various times
Wonder Works, a Children's Museum - various times
Free Tuesdays at the Museum of Contemporary Art
Museum of Contemporary Art - 10:00 AM
Museum of Contemporary Art - 10:00 AM
Spring Break on Navy Pier
Navy Pier - 12:00 PM
Navy Pier - 12:00 PM
Garfield Park Conservatory Spring Flower Show: Rooted in Mystery
Garfield Park Conservatory - various times
Garfield Park Conservatory - various times
Of the Earth
Morton Arboretum - various times
Morton Arboretum - various times
Lincoln Park Conservatory Spring Flower Show: Spectrum of Spring
Lincoln Park Conservatory - various times
Lincoln Park Conservatory - various times
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Six Flags Xpedition Dino Debut
Fri May 28, 2021 - Mon May 31, 2021
- see all dates
Repeating every days through May 31, 2021.
Various times
Age: all
Price: $5
Six Flags Great Adventure & Safari
Six Flags Great Adventure visitors can embark on a Jurassic adventure at Xpedition Dinosaur. Guests may walk or drive through an exhibition of 30 life-size dinosaurs with realistic movement and sound. A custom soundtrack can be streamed from any mobile device.
The exhibit runs daily through September 7. Tickets should be booked online and are an additional fee to daily tickets, season passes, and membership.
** Activity dates/times are subject to change. Please click through to the activity website to verify.