Spring Break Blast at Children's Museum Houston
Children's Museum Houston - 9:00 AM
Children's Museum Houston - 9:00 AM
Hatchlings at the Houston Arboretum & Nature Center
Houston Arboretum & Nature Center - various times Pick
Houston Arboretum & Nature Center - various times Pick
Strawberry Festival at Froberg's Farm
Froberg's Farm - 9:00 AM
Froberg's Farm - 9:00 AM
Free Thursdays at The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston - various times Pick
The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston - various times Pick
Spring Break Blast at Children's Museum Houston
Children's Museum Houston - 9:00 AM
Children's Museum Houston - 9:00 AM
Strawberry Festival at Froberg's Farm
Froberg's Farm - 9:00 AM
Froberg's Farm - 9:00 AM
Spring Break Blast at Children's Museum Houston
Children's Museum Houston - 9:00 AM
Children's Museum Houston - 9:00 AM
Strawberry Festival at Froberg's Farm
Froberg's Farm - 9:00 AM
Froberg's Farm - 9:00 AM
Tyke Hike at the Houston Arboretum & Nature Center
Houston Arboretum & Nature Center - various times Pick
Houston Arboretum & Nature Center - various times Pick
The Escape Game Houston
The Escape Room Houston - various times
The Escape Room Houston - various times
The Rink : Rolling at Discovery Green
Discovery Green - various times
Discovery Green - various times

Shepherd School of Music at Rice University

Three Allen Center
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Edible Book Festival
Sat Mar 20, 2021 - Sun Mar 28, 2021
- see all dates
Repeating every days through March 28, 2021.
Various times
Age: All ages
Price: FREE
Shorelake Arts in Washington State is hosting a virtual Edible Book festival/competition, bringing people together for a lighthearted culinary, artistic, and literary celebration. The challenge: Create something edible, inspired by works of literature.
Past entries have included works titled Gourd of the Rings, War and Peas, and The Life of Pie.
Youth (grades K-12)
Most PUNderful
Most Book-like
Most Visually Appealing
Judge's Choice Award
People's Choice Award
Register online to participate or vote for your picks. Winners announced on FaceBook Live on Sunday, March 28 (8pm Eastern | 7pm Central | 5pm Pacific)
** Activity dates/times are subject to change. Please click through to the activity website to verify.