Build A Rocket Racer with an Astronaut Leland Melvin

Tue Oct 27, 2020
Various times
Age: K - 8
Price: Free

Astronauts get to space in rockets that use Newton’s Laws of Motion to create enough velocity to escape the earth’s gravity. In this class, students design, build, test, and optimize their own rocket racers, all under the live guidance of an astronaut who has used rocket science to launch into space.

Aspiring rocket scientists can learn about position, velocity, and acceleration, as well as the methods that aerospace engineers use to make rockets lighter, faster, and safer.

Because this is a hands-on project, families should consult the materials list, and are encouraged to build their first rocket racer before class begins so that they are able to fully participate in the testing and optimization sections of the class.

Register to participate in this class.

7pm Eastern, 6pm Central, 4pm Pacific


** Activity dates/times are subject to change. Please click through to the activity website to verify.