What Can Neuroscience Tell Us About Friendship, Bullying, and Social Media?

Wed Oct 17, 2018
7:00pm ET
Age: Adults
Price: Free
Springside Chestnut Hill Academy, CEL - Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership Room -

Springside Chestnut Hill Academy welcomes the esteemed voice of author and neuroscientist Dr. Amy Banks as she presents What Can Neuroscience Tell Us About Friendship, Bullying, and Social Media?

Dr. Banks is the author of a groundbreaking book on the neuroscience behind relationships: Wired to Connect: The Surprising Link Between Brain Science and Strong, Healthy Relationships. Dr. Banks is the Director of Advanced Training and Senior Research Scientist at the Jean Baker Miller Training Institute at the Wellesley Centers for Women. She is the foremost expert in the combined field of relational-cultural theory and neuroscience, and she has spoken throughout the country on the neurobiology of relationship. She has an ongoing passion to spread the message that we are hardwired for connection. 

Her work is pertinent to parents of children of any age.


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