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Live Video Chat With Santa Claus
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Online AI & Coding Lesson for Kids & Teens
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Having a Baby: What You Really Need to Pack for the Hospital

- By Allison
Earplugs and a Sleep Mask
I'm a busy NYC mom getting ready for the birth of my second child. As you can imagine, I have a lot of things to take care of. (See my recent post on searching for a double stroller!)
However, I'm finding that some things are a bit easier this time around, like packing for the hospital. When my first son was born, I ended up with a huge suitcase full of stuff I didn’t need. Worse, I frantically sent my husband out to grab all of the items I suddenly couldn’t live without.
In addition to my own personal experience, I asked my fellow NYC moms to share their tips on what to pack. Here are the things I'm definitely putting in my hospital bag.
Check-in Items
Make sure you've got your photo I.D., insurance card and any hospital forms, already filled out if possible.
Make sure you've got your photo I.D., insurance card and any hospital forms, already filled out if possible.
Earplugs and a Sleep Mask
No, not to block out my newborn child; rather my roommate. Unless you spring for a private room, you end up with another new mom—and you'll probably be able to high-five her from your bed. When I had my first child, I had a roommate who entertained lots of loud visitors. I wish I'd had these items—maybe I would have gotten some sleep.
Basic Toiletries and Makeup
You probably won't get a full-fledged shower or bath until you go home, but shampoo, soap, lotion, toothpaste and a toothbrush can help you freshen up. For those confined to the hospital bed, scented wipes should do the trick. Also, while you're probably not looking to enter any beauty contests postpartum, bring your favorite lipstick, earrings and a nice (and easy-to-put-on) outfit so you can look good in those pictures you'll inevitably pose for.
Breastfeeding Supplies
You probably won't get a full-fledged shower or bath until you go home, but shampoo, soap, lotion, toothpaste and a toothbrush can help you freshen up. For those confined to the hospital bed, scented wipes should do the trick. Also, while you're probably not looking to enter any beauty contests postpartum, bring your favorite lipstick, earrings and a nice (and easy-to-put-on) outfit so you can look good in those pictures you'll inevitably pose for.
Breastfeeding Supplies
If you're planning on breastfeeding, you'll want a nursing bra or tank of some sort. I found it very helpful to have my nursing pillow with me, especially in the beginning when I was tired and still figuring it all out. My ultimate essentials were a tube of lanolin and freezer pads for soreness. Finally, one little trick I wish I'd known the first time around: If you wear your hospital gown backward, it will open in the front, which makes breastfeeding easier.
Go Light on the Clothing
This is where I majorly over-packed. I brought lots of clothes, but stayed in my hospital gown the entire time. Personally, I say save your own panties, too, and just use the disposable ones the hospital provides, awful as they may be. Some moms recommend bringing comfy, baggy pajamas and a robe that you can wear around the hospital or when visitors drop by. Also, don’t forget your feet! You’ll want easy-to-slip-on shoes or slippers to use in your room and the hallways, and some moms I know brought flip-flops for the shower.
This is where I majorly over-packed. I brought lots of clothes, but stayed in my hospital gown the entire time. Personally, I say save your own panties, too, and just use the disposable ones the hospital provides, awful as they may be. Some moms recommend bringing comfy, baggy pajamas and a robe that you can wear around the hospital or when visitors drop by. Also, don’t forget your feet! You’ll want easy-to-slip-on shoes or slippers to use in your room and the hallways, and some moms I know brought flip-flops for the shower.
Chill on the Baby Gear
This is another area where I totally overdid it. My baby spent his stay in diapers, a onesie and a swaddle blanke—-all of which the hospital provided (which means I didn't need to bring those diapers, wipes and ointments, either). Just bring one outfit for the baby to wear home. One thing you do need is a car seat. Many hospitals won't release your newborn unless you've got one to put him in—unless you can prove that you're just going to walk home.
Stuff for Your Partner
I personally vote to leave this portion of the packing up to your partner. Hey, you're the one giving birth, so he (or she) should be responsible for the camera and snacks, right? But yes, your partner will be there a long time, and will likely need some food and drink to keep going (and you don't want him leaving you alone to go get it). Don’t forget your phone and camera chargers as you'll both use them a lot.
During labor, some moms like to plug in their iPods. I've known people who've created special birthing playlists. After birth, you find yourself with a bit of downtime. Bring a few magazines or a book to read, or just skip it and sleep whenever you can! That will be a rare commodity in the days and weeks ahead.
One of my friends said all you really need to pack for the hospital when having a baby is love. I like that sentiment, which is why I'm ending this list with it. You can get by without all of the practical items, but love truly is a necessity. And you'll be overflowing with it when you meet your new addition.
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